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Composer votre parcours parmis des centaines de lieux historiques en Région Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne

Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déporta...

“The thing is, they were on the side of life: they liked things as insignificant as a song, snapping fingers or a smile.

You can squeeze a bee in your hand till it smothers. But it won’t smother without stinging you.

That’s not much, you’ll say. True, it’s not much. But if it didn’t sting, bees would have disappeared long ago.“

With this metaphor, the poet Jean Paulhan points out the obvious: for many resistants, the struggle to recover liberty and to fight against the unacceptable was unavoidable.

The CHRD makes this history available to everyone, using personal recollections, 

Dernier témoignage
Balade Commémoratif de Romans
Balade agréable au printemps !
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