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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Site historique
Lespinasse, at the foot of the Louchadière volcano cone saw the birth of the first maquis in Auvergne, in March 1943.
Address :
Lieudit Espinasse , 63230 PULVERIERES
GPS Coordinates :
45.8704 , 2.93916
Phone :
06 75 47 71 64
Email :
See on map
Recurring events
Lectures by Françoise Fernandez: The Resistance in the Rural World, The Spaniards of the Resistance (March 2013). Autumn 2017: Exhibit of the works of Anna Garcin on deportation. June 2015: Resistance and Deportation theme day at the site, for children from neighboring schools. One or two classes per year since 2001.
Commemorative ceremonies every year on March 1 and the first Sunday in June.
Themes and resources
- Maquis
- Civil resistance
- Deportation
- Puy-de-Dome
- Historic site
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