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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Hôtel de Ville

The neo-classical building was built by Jean-Michel Dalgabio, the architect and street designer for Saint-Etienne. Work began in 1822 and lasted 8 years. Subsequently, work went on often in the Town Hall. For example, the architect Boisson built a dome in 1858 that would remain until 1952. On March 1, 1941, Maréchal Pétain went to Saint-Etienne to present the Work Charter.

Saint-Etienne was at the time the largest working-class and industrial city in the southern zone, and a symbol for Vichy propaganda for its economic policy. Many townspeople came to applaud him. His second... Read more

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Address : hôtel de ville , 42000 SAINT-ETIENNE
GPS Coordinates : 45.4401884 , 4.3870714493024
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Themes and resources
  • Urban
Complete description of site

The neo-classical building was built by Jean-Michel Dalgabio, the architect and street designer for Saint-Etienne. Work began in 1822 and lasted 8 years. Subsequently, work went on often in the Town Hall. For example, the architect Boisson built a dome in 1858 that would remain until 1952. On March 1, 1941, Maréchal Pétain went to Saint-Etienne to present the Work Charter.

Saint-Etienne was at the time the largest working-class and industrial city in the southern zone, and a symbol for Vichy propaganda for its economic policy. Many townspeople came to applaud him. His second visit to Saint-Etienne took place after the bombings of May 26, 1944, when he went to pay homage to the victims. However, he cut short his visit and returned in haste to Vichy: it was June 6 and the Allies had established beach-heads at dawn in Normandy.

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