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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Stèle commémorative

Stone marker in "the memory of the veterans of the French resistance in Meillard of the Montluçon-ville armed group, organized in May-June 1942, turned into Camp Hoche and established here on May 20, 1943." The marker also commemorates two resistants who were deported to Dachau but did not die there: Georges Roger Schaeffer (11/06/1923-07/11/1992) et Emile Alphonse Kienzler (01/04/1923-26/12/1995).

Source: Memorial Gen Web



Address : La pièce plate , 03500 Meillard
GPS Coordinates : 46.361993 , 3.211669
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Themes and resources
  • Monument
  • Maquis
  • Deportation
  • Allier
  • Armed Resistance
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