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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Stèle commémorative
Stone marker in memory of the Corps francs des Truands ("Ruffians Free Corps): "In the evening of Wednesday August 9, 1944, at the hamlet called Croix-Rouge, just between Saint-Pardoux and Saint-Hilaire-la-Croix, the Ruffians Free Corps laid an ambush for a German convoy taking supplies from Clermont-Ferranc to Montluçon. The action was successful, but Alfred Boyer, aka Tix (22 years old) died during the fighting. The following Thursday, August 17, Joseph-Jean Toureau (24) was killed at Machal (Pouzon) during reprisals by the enemy. This marker commemorates the courage and sacrifice of these valiant young combattants of... Read more
- Monument
- Maquis
- Fighting
- Repression
- Puy-de-Dome
- Sabotage
Stone marker in memory of the Corps francs des Truands ("Ruffians Free Corps): "In the evening of Wednesday August 9, 1944, at the hamlet called Croix-Rouge, just between Saint-Pardoux and Saint-Hilaire-la-Croix, the Ruffians Free Corps laid an ambush for a German convoy taking supplies from Clermont-Ferranc to Montluçon. The action was successful, but Alfred Boyer, aka Tix (22 years old) died during the fighting. The following Thursday, August 17, Joseph-Jean Toureau (24) was killed at Machal (Pouzon) during reprisals by the enemy. This marker commemorates the courage and sacrifice of these valiant young combattants of the shadows. Passers-by, take the time to stop and remember these patriots who gave their lives so that you can live free." The plaque was inaugurated in 2011.