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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Stèle commémorative
Stone marker in memory of the massacre by the German army of Ambroise Brioude, Marius Courtiol, Léon Picard and Lucien Zay. At the beginning of June 1944, the German army staff based in Clermont-Ferrand decided to annihilate the "gangs" in the Margeride region. On the morning of June 11, then, the Gestapo and the milice encircled the village hunting for resistants that a local traitor had informed upon. Courtiol and Brioude were captured in their village and executed on June 12 with two Jewish prisoners, Picard and Zay.
Source: Association des Maquis et Cadets de la Résistance du Cantal
Themes and resources
- Monument
- Persecution
- Repression
- Collaboration
- Cantal
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