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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Plaque commémorative

Plaque in memory of Mr and Mrs Meppiel, who lived in the rue du Lieutentant Colonel Prévost in Lyon. After being imprisoned at Montluc, they were executed by firing squad between August 17 and August 21 1944 at the landing field in Bron. Bombing raids by the RAF on August 15 1944 had caused major damage to the airfield. To undertake repairs, between August 16 and 22, the Germans requisitioned civilians and on August 17 and 18, prisoners from the Montluc prison. The latter were assigned to defusing unexploded ordnance, among other tasks. When they had finished, they were executed and their bodies were thrown into five common... Read more



Address : 38 rue de Créqui , 69006 Lyon
GPS Coordinates : 45.773441 , 4.845047
See on map
Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Repression
  • Bombings
  • Rhone
Complete description of site

Plaque in memory of Mr and Mrs Meppiel, who lived in the rue du Lieutentant Colonel Prévost in Lyon. After being imprisoned at Montluc, they were executed by firing squad between August 17 and August 21 1944 at the landing field in Bron. Bombing raids by the RAF on August 15 1944 had caused major damage to the airfield. To undertake repairs, between August 16 and 22, the Germans requisitioned civilians and on August 17 and 18, prisoners from the Montluc prison. The latter were assigned to defusing unexploded ordnance, among other tasks. When they had finished, they were executed and their bodies were thrown into five common graves and hastily buried.

Sources :

Commissariat de la République, Mémorial de l'oppression, fascicule N°1, 1945

Les Archives départementales du Rhône conservent un fonds : Mémorial de l'opression, les crimes de guerre en Rhône-Alpes 1940-1944, Lyon, 2003 (Fonds 3808W866)

Carte des lieux de mémoire de la ville de Lyon

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