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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Plaque commémorative

Plaque in memory of Elie Rochette, an agent of the the Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action (Central Bureau of Intelligence and Operations) and of the Brutus Network. He centralized intelligence, and made his apartment available to radio operators for transmissions addressed to London. On March 18, 1943, the Germans, using direction finding, picked up a radio transmission from his home, and arrested him and his wife on the spot. Elie was interrogated several times and incarcerated at Montluc prison. Elie Rochette died after being deported to Mauthausen.

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Address : 79 avenue Jean Jaurès , 69007 Lyon
GPS Coordinates : 45.747022 , 4.843136
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Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Civil resistance
  • Deportation
  • Rhone
Complete description of site

Plaque in memory of Elie Rochette, an agent of the the Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action (Central Bureau of Intelligence and Operations) and of the Brutus Network. He centralized intelligence, and made his apartment available to radio operators for transmissions addressed to London. On March 18, 1943, the Germans, using direction finding, picked up a radio transmission from his home, and arrested him and his wife on the spot. Elie was interrogated several times and incarcerated at Montluc prison. Elie Rochette died after being deported to Mauthausen.

Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824 engagements, BGA Permezel, 2003.

Plus d'informations: Carte des lieux de mémoire de la ville de Lyon

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