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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Plaque commémorative

Plaque in memory of Eugène Clément, René Barrot, Albert Lesvigne and Gabriel Bourdarias, who in 1942 made up a group that handed out and posted up tracts and posters in Bron, Saint-Priest and Vénissieux, outside of Lyon. 

During 1943-44, the organization allied with the FTPF (Franc-Tireurs et Partisans - one of several resistance organizations) under Noel Méo, André Thévenon, Louis Chêne and Jean Gonthier, headed by Paul Garcin. They participated in sabotaging telephone and high tension lines, as well as hijacking a transporter of rationing tickets, and capturing the... Read more



Address : 172 cours Lafayette , 69003 Lyon
GPS Coordinates : 45.763597 , 4.857033
See on map
Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Civil resistance
  • Repression
  • Rhone
  • Sabotage
Complete description of site

Plaque in memory of Eugène Clément, René Barrot, Albert Lesvigne and Gabriel Bourdarias, who in 1942 made up a group that handed out and posted up tracts and posters in Bron, Saint-Priest and Vénissieux, outside of Lyon. 

During 1943-44, the organization allied with the FTPF (Franc-Tireurs et Partisans - one of several resistance organizations) under Noel Méo, André Thévenon, Louis Chêne and Jean Gonthier, headed by Paul Garcin. They participated in sabotaging telephone and high tension lines, as well as hijacking a transporter of rationing tickets, and capturing the weapons of the police guards.

On August 24, 1944, three squads were put together on a mission to gather weapons. Eugène Clément was in the one with René Barrot, Albert Lesvignes et Gabriel Boudarias. On the way to Vénissieux, their vehicle was attacked by the Germans. None of them survived.

Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824 engagements, BGA Permezel, 2003.

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