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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Plaque commémorative

Plaque in homage to Georges and Louise Fulchiron, who were arrested in  Lyon on July 8, 1944. The convoy that carried them out of France left Perrache station on August 11, 1944, and arrived at Natzweiller-Struthof on August 18. Georges was then sent to Dachau and finally to the Workcamp at Dautmergen, despite his age. He died there on December 18, 1944. Louise was sent on to Ravensbrück and arrived on August 22, 1944. Despite her age, she worked at the workcamp at Torgau but was sent back to Ravensbrück and died there and the end of 1944 or beginning of 1945.

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Address : 95 cours Docteur Long , 69003 Lyon
GPS Coordinates : 45.750647 , 4.887687
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Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Deportation
  • Rhone
Complete description of site

Plaque in homage to Georges and Louise Fulchiron, who were arrested in  Lyon on July 8, 1944. The convoy that carried them out of France left Perrache station on August 11, 1944, and arrived at Natzweiller-Struthof on August 18. Georges was then sent to Dachau and finally to the Workcamp at Dautmergen, despite his age. He died there on December 18, 1944. Louise was sent on to Ravensbrück and arrived on August 22, 1944. Despite her age, she worked at the workcamp at Torgau but was sent back to Ravensbrück and died there and the end of 1944 or beginning of 1945.

Source: Livre Mémorial des déportés de France arrêtés par mesure de répression et dans certains cas par mesure de persécution 1940-1945, Editions Tirésias, 2004, Tome 3.

Carte des lieux de mémoire de la ville de Lyon

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