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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Plaque commémorative

Plaque in homage to Alexis Chapochnikoff, a White Russian that volunteered for the French army in 1939 to fight the Germans. He was arrested and imprisoned for about a year in the camp at Gurs. When he recovered his liberty, he and some of his compatriots formed a dissident group, that participated in propaganda operations with the Secret Army and the FTP, to get White Russians to desert the German army. He was arrested by the Gestapo on July 19, 1944, and held at Montluc prison till August 20. He was murdered with 120 prisoners at Côte-Lorette in Saint-Genis-Laval, south of Lyon. 

Source: Read more



Address : 3 rue Florent , 69008 Lyon
GPS Coordinates : 45.7285 , 4.879775
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Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Civil resistance
  • Repression
  • Rhone
  • Population movements
Complete description of site

Plaque in homage to Alexis Chapochnikoff, a White Russian that volunteered for the French army in 1939 to fight the Germans. He was arrested and imprisoned for about a year in the camp at Gurs. When he recovered his liberty, he and some of his compatriots formed a dissident group, that participated in propaganda operations with the Secret Army and the FTP, to get White Russians to desert the German army. He was arrested by the Gestapo on July 19, 1944, and held at Montluc prison till August 20. He was murdered with 120 prisoners at Côte-Lorette in Saint-Genis-Laval, south of Lyon. 

Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824 engagements, BGA Permezel, 2003.

Carte des lieux de mémoire de la ville de Lyon

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