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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Monument commémoratif

Monument in honor of the detainees from Montluc prison in Lyon shot down here on July 12, 1944. That day, twenty-two prisoners were taken from Montuc prison and driven in a truck escorted by two black cars to Genas, arriving at Bouvaret at about 7pm. German soldiers ordered them out of the truck in a field and opened fire with submachine guns, cutting down twenty men. The two others tried to escape by running through a hedgerow, but were also killed. The Germans left the bodies on the ground and went back toward Lyon. 

The monument in Genas was inaugurated on September 16, 1945. On July 7,... Read more



Address : Chemin des fusillés , 69740 Genas
GPS Coordinates : 45.73642 , 5.051271
See on map
Themes and resources
  • Monument
  • Repression
  • Rhone
  • Armed Resistance
Complete description of site

Monument in honor of the detainees from Montluc prison in Lyon shot down here on July 12, 1944. That day, twenty-two prisoners were taken from Montuc prison and driven in a truck escorted by two black cars to Genas, arriving at Bouvaret at about 7pm. German soldiers ordered them out of the truck in a field and opened fire with submachine guns, cutting down twenty men. The two others tried to escape by running through a hedgerow, but were also killed. The Germans left the bodies on the ground and went back toward Lyon. 

The monument in Genas was inaugurated on September 16, 1945. On July 7, 1946, a plaque was erected at 9 cours Gambetta in Lyon, in memory of five officers of the United Youth Forces killed in Genas on July 12, 1944: Hugues Barange, Henri Debiez, Henri Denis, Pierre Poncet and Pierre Toesca.

For further information: Le Maitron

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