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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Stèle commémorative

Stone marker called "Bard Marker", beside National highway 102, recalling that on August 16, 1944, the 31st Company FFI (French Interior Forces) engaged a German column in retreat, causing heavy losses. Twenty-two resistants died in the fighting. The marker lists forty-eight names of men who died in the last fighting for the Liberation of the region.

In 1946, the resistant Jean Brugerolles created a ceremony of commemoration in homage to the victims. Today, on the Sunday after August 15, a ceremony takes place at the Bard Marker in memory of the victims of the fighting for the Liberation of the Brioude region.



Address : RN102 , 43360 Bournoncle-Saint-Pierre
GPS Coordinates : 45.348239 , 3.342152
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Themes and resources
  • Monument
  • Fighting
  • Free groups
  • Repression
  • Haute-Loire
  • Armed Resistance
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