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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Monument du Charnier
Commemorative monument with a flower-box on each side, on a semi-circular square surrounded by five French flags, inscribed as follows: "1944. In memory of the resistants basely murdered by the Germans on July 8, 1944. Cohn Marianne, Perrin Marthe-Louise, Debore Félix-François, Duparc Julien-Edmond, Jaccaz Henri-François, Regard Paul-Léon. Frenchman: remember." To the right of the monument, above the shrubs around the square, is a plaque that mentions the historical nature of the site.
Behind it, in the copse called the "Mass Grave Wood" is a stone marker with this inscription: "This markers shows the exact place where the... Read more
- Monument
- Repression
- Haute-Loire
- Historic site
- Armed Resistance
Commemorative monument with a flower-box on each side, on a semi-circular square surrounded by five French flags, inscribed as follows: "1944. In memory of the resistants basely murdered by the Germans on July 8, 1944. Cohn Marianne, Perrin Marthe-Louise, Debore Félix-François, Duparc Julien-Edmond, Jaccaz Henri-François, Regard Paul-Léon. Frenchman: remember." To the right of the monument, above the shrubs around the square, is a plaque that mentions the historical nature of the site.
Behind it, in the copse called the "Mass Grave Wood" is a stone marker with this inscription: "This markers shows the exact place where the victims of Nazi barbarism fell."
On July 8, 1944, the six resistants were murdered by members of the milice and the Gestapo after digging their own graves where the enemy was to hide the bodies.
Source: Mairie de Ville-la-Grand