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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Monuments commémoratifs

On the night of December 25-26, 1943, some young STO (Service de Travail Obligatoire Compulsory Work Service) evaders organized a dance in the château. At around 1am, a detachment of the 28th Todt police regiment burst in upon the party, having been informed by a turncoat maquis. Some twenty men were shot on the spot, along with the cheese-man, suspected of supplying the resistants. The Germans then burned the bodies along with the château. The women and the remaining men were locked up in the Pax Hotel in Annemasse; the women and youngest man were set free.The other men were deported or sent to work in making thread in... Read more



Address : Route Vieille , 74420 Habère-Lullin
GPS Coordinates : 46.2345288 , 6.4518408
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Themes and resources
  • Monument
  • Deportation
  • Repression
  • Forced Labor Department
  • Haute-Savoie
  • Historic site
  • Armed Resistance
Complete description of site

On the night of December 25-26, 1943, some young STO (Service de Travail Obligatoire Compulsory Work Service) evaders organized a dance in the château. At around 1am, a detachment of the 28th Todt police regiment burst in upon the party, having been informed by a turncoat maquis. Some twenty men were shot on the spot, along with the cheese-man, suspected of supplying the resistants. The Germans then burned the bodies along with the château. The women and the remaining men were locked up in the Pax Hotel in Annemasse; the women and youngest man were set free.The other men were deported or sent to work in making thread in Leipzig. 

On September 2, 1944, a few meters away, about forty German POWs were murdered by the FFI (French Interior Forces).

Today, only one wall of the château remains. A monument to commemorate the December night of 1943 was put up next to the monument to the dead.

Source: MemorialGenWeb, La salévienne et Mémorial de la Déportation de Haute-Savoie

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