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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Plaques commémoratives

Commemorative plaque en memory of the victims of the Second World War on the monument to the dead of World War I; inscription: "1939-1945, Courbier René - Lieutenant, Serre Pierre, Charles Robert, Chevalier Paul - 2nd Lieutenant, Chevalier Louis. Died in deportation. Davin Albin, Chartron René, Maroux Gustave. Civilian victims. Montagne Abel, Flachaire Hortense."

At the foot of the monument, on the right, another plaque reads: "The Marsanne Friendly Association of Repatriated Prisoners to their comrades who gave their lives for France.. 1939-1945.

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Address : A côté de la mairie 1 avenue Albin Davin , 26740 Marsanne
GPS Coordinates : 44.643668 , 4.873786
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Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Maquis
  • Civil resistance
  • Deportation
  • Repression
  • Drome
  • Armed Resistance
Complete description of site

Commemorative plaque en memory of the victims of the Second World War on the monument to the dead of World War I; inscription: "1939-1945, Courbier René - Lieutenant, Serre Pierre, Charles Robert, Chevalier Paul - 2nd Lieutenant, Chevalier Louis. Died in deportation. Davin Albin, Chartron René, Maroux Gustave. Civilian victims. Montagne Abel, Flachaire Hortense."

At the foot of the monument, on the right, another plaque reads: "The Marsanne Friendly Association of Repatriated Prisoners to their comrades who gave their lives for France.. 1939-1945.

Source: Les monuments aux morts

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