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Plaque commémorative
As a consequence of the D-Day, members of the Ain Resistance built barricades in Vonnas village to slow down the German retreat. The German army, supported by the Dagostini militia, lauched a repressive operation.
As a member of the A.S (Armée Secrète - Secret Army), Gilbert Lafart was sent in mission on june 12, 1944. Captured by Germans on the day of his departure, he was executed in front of the cemetery with six other Vonassiens.
He was awarded of the mention "Mort pour la France" ("Dead for France") on february 4, 1957. He also posthumously received the medal of the Resistance on april 22, 1966.
Inscription : " Here was... Read more
- Commemorative plaque
- Maquis
- Fighting
- Repression
- Collaboration
- Liberation
- Ain
- Armed Resistance
As a consequence of the D-Day, members of the Ain Resistance built barricades in Vonnas village to slow down the German retreat. The German army, supported by the Dagostini militia, lauched a repressive operation.
As a member of the A.S (Armée Secrète - Secret Army), Gilbert Lafart was sent in mission on june 12, 1944. Captured by Germans on the day of his departure, he was executed in front of the cemetery with six other Vonassiens.
He was awarded of the mention "Mort pour la France" ("Dead for France") on february 4, 1957. He also posthumously received the medal of the Resistance on april 22, 1966.
Inscription : " Here was cowardly murdered by the Germans, on June 12, 1944, Gilbert Lafay, 18 years old".
Sources :
- Le Maitron, Notice Lafay Gilbert par Jean-Louis Ponnavoy. https://maitron.fr/spip.php?article219898
- Ne pas les oublier, Sous-section Vonnas - Notice Berthoud Jean-Marie. http://nepaslesoublier.org/vonnas/berthoud.htm