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Stèle commémorative

Plaque in homage to the 130 Resistance fighters from the Ain, who contained a German column in Neuville-sur-Ain on July 11, 1944, during the Treffenfeld operation against the Ain and Haut-Jura maquis.

On july 11, 1944, the Treffenfeld operation was launched by the German against the maquis of the Ain and of the Haut-Jura. The fights were very hard and the civilian population exposed to violence. The German army, supported by militia units, was divided in 5 columns, with the objective of crossing the department of the Ain on different axes before making their junction in Oyonnax, city held with Nantua by the Resistance. The German army coming from Pont-d'Ain and heading towards... Read more

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Address : Route de Genève , 01450 Neuville-sur-Ain
GPS Coordinates : 5.38339 , 46.07964
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Themes and resources
  • Commemorative plaque
  • Maquis
  • Fighting
  • Liberation
  • Repression
  • Collaboration
  • Liberation
  • Ain
  • Armed Resistance
Complete description of site

Plaque in homage to the 130 Resistance fighters from the Ain, who contained a German column in Neuville-sur-Ain on July 11, 1944, during the Treffenfeld operation against the Ain and Haut-Jura maquis.

On july 11, 1944, the Treffenfeld operation was launched by the German against the maquis of the Ain and of the Haut-Jura. The fights were very hard and the civilian population exposed to violence. The German army, supported by militia units, was divided in 5 columns, with the objective of crossing the department of the Ain on different axes before making their junction in Oyonnax, city held with Nantua by the Resistance. The German army coming from Pont-d'Ain and heading towards Nantua encountered a group of Resistance fighters in Neuville-sur-Ain.

Indeed, forces of the A.S (Armée Secrète - "Secret Army") of Neuville-sur-Ain, of Saint-Martin-du-Mont, of Poncin as well as the Mazaud company, reinforced by the Godard group and the A.S of Poncin were dispatched to Neuville to prevent the crossing of the river by the German troops. The Resistance fighters took up position on the heights of a place called "Bosseron" near the bridge.

The fighting lasted all morning on july 11 until the Resistance fighters finally broke in the early afternoon and withdrew. They continued fighting while retreating in successives bounds toward Poncin and Pont-de-Préau. They were forced to leave hidden wounded behind, hoping to evacuate them later. The order to retreat was given during the night of 12 to 13 July. Because of the strong local resistance, the German were unable to reach Nantua in time, and the resistance fighters eventually escaped. Nevertheless, a severe repression fell upon the civilians, thirteen people were shot in Neuville-sur-Ain and three in Cerdon. Many houses were burned in these two places.

Inscription: "11 JULY 1944. 130 Resistance fighters, most of them native of the country, avoided the planned annihilation of the Ain maquis of Romans-Petit by stopping the attack of a column of 2500 Germans and militiamen who took revenge on the civilian population. - Units involved : A.S Neuville-sur-Ain, A.S Poncin, A.S Saint-Martin-du-Mont, Groupe Godard Pont d'Ain, Enfants de Troupe d'Autun."

Sources :

- Musée de la résistance en ligne, 11 juillet 1944 Neuville-sur-Ain. http://museedelaresistanceenligne.org/media10748-StA

- Maquis de l'Ain et du Haut-Jura, les opérations de juillet 1944. https://www.maquisdelain.org/article-les-operations-de-juillet-1944-33.html

- Site Web de l'association des Amis du Musée de la Résistance de Nantua, La compagnie Mazaud. https://www.resistance-ain-jura.com/42-non.../379-la-compagnie-mazaud.html

- Site Web de l'association des Amis du Musée de la Résistance de Nantua, La compagnie Le Bugey. https://resistance-ain-jura.com/42-non-categorise/362-la-compagnie-le-bugey.html

- Site Web de l'association des Amis du Musée de la Résistance de Nantua, La compagnie Sidi Brahim https://www.resistance-ain-jura.com/42-non-categorise/377-la-compagnie-sidi-brahim.html

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