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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Le Teil
Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation en Ardèche
The Museum of Resistance and Deportation in Ardèche was set up in le Teil in 1992 at the instigation of a group of associations. In 2010-2011, it movied into new quarters and administration was turned over to the Ardèche-Rhône-Coiron communauté des communes (town group)
The visit goes over the history of Ardèche during the second world war, especially Maquis actions and the role of the Resistance in the Liberation, based on a substantial collection created from donor gifts, including former resistants or deported people and regional associations. The collection, complemented by explanatory panels and archival documents, makes up a permanent exhibit of... Read more
Plein tarif : 3 € / Tarif réduit: 2€ / Gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans
Included in entrance fee
Pas de supplément au tarif d’entrée
Included in entrance fee
Recurring events
Recurring events: temporary exhibits, lectures, meetings, film projections, readings from archives, etc. Participation in Diversity Month (organized by the town of Le Teil in March), European Heritage Days, Montélimar literary cafés (first week-end in October), historical film festival at the Regain cinema in le Teil, early November)
Practical information
French, English
- Museum
- Maquis
- Fighting
- Civil resistance
- Deportation
- Repression
- Collaboration
- Internement
- Ethnic Cleansing
- Liberation
- Ardeche
- Genocide
- Parachute sites
- Martyrized villages
- Collections
- Archives
- Documentation center
- Travelling exhibits
- label 2 EN 2
- Audioguides
The Museum of Resistance and Deportation in Ardèche was set up in le Teil in 1992 at the instigation of a group of associations. In 2010-2011, it movied into new quarters and administration was turned over to the Ardèche-Rhône-Coiron communauté des communes (town group)
The visit goes over the history of Ardèche during the second world war, especially Maquis actions and the role of the Resistance in the Liberation, based on a substantial collection created from donor gifts, including former resistants or deported people and regional associations. The collection, complemented by explanatory panels and archival documents, makes up a permanent exhibit of numerous general and regionalelements.
The museum put on temporary exhibits and provides a diversified program and is a cultural venue open to current events and registered in cultural, touristic and memorial networks.