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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Ain
The Museum of the History of the Resistance and Deportation in Nantua was originally founded by former French Resistance fighters and comprises of many artefacts that were donated by them or that belonged concentration camp prisoners. It shows the effects of the 2nd World War from both a local and national point of view. Several re-enactments of events from this period take place at the museum throughout the year. The museum also deals in no uncertain terms with subjects such as events that led up to the war, the Nazi occupation of France, the French Resistance and in particular the Marquisards of the Ain département and the horrific repression and deportation to concentration camps suffered by local people.
Plein tarif: 4 € / Tarif réduit: 3 € / Gratuit pour les moins de 26 ans
5 € / personne, gratuit pour l’accompagnateur
inclus dans le billet d’entrée
5 € / personne, gratuité pour l’accompagnateur
Recurring events
Long Night of Museums, European Heritage Days, history café, memory walks, dramatized visit
Practical information
- Museum
- Maquis
- Rescue
- Fighting
- Liberation
- Civil resistance
- Deportation
- Repression
- Collaboration
- Internement
- Ethnic Cleansing
- Ain
- Genocide
- Parachute sites
- Population movements
- Martyrized villages
- Collections
- Archives
- Documentation center
- On-line Educational Resources
- Travelling exhibits
- label 2 EN 2
- Audioguides
- Shop