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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques


Stèle commémorative

Stone marker in memory of François Riboulet, who was arrested by the Gestapo on November 22, 1943, for resistance and "intelligence with the maquis"; he was emprisoned in Vichy, then at la Mal-Coiffée, a German military prison at Moulins. On January 17, 1944, was was deported from Compiègne to Buchenwald, where he arrived on January 19. He died there in May 1944. 

Source: ANACR 03



Address : Rue François Riboulet , 03250 Ferrières-sur-Sichon
GPS Coordinates : 46.025335 , 3.645906
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Themes and resources
  • Monument
  • Civil resistance
  • Deportation
  • Repression
  • Allier
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