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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Plaque commémorative
Plaque in memory of Robert Guillaud, who became head of the Darius network, an outgrowth of the Gallia network, after a series of arrests in the summer of 1944. On August 4, he was arrested at the network HQ at 147 avenue d Saxe. After being imprisoned at Montluc prison, he was murdered at Côte-Lorette in Saint-Genis-Laval, south of Lyon.
Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824 engagements, BGA Permezel, 2003.
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- Commemorative plaque
- Civil resistance
- Repression
- Rhone
Plaque in memory of Robert Guillaud, who became head of the Darius network, an outgrowth of the Gallia network, after a series of arrests in the summer of 1944. On August 4, he was arrested at the network HQ at 147 avenue d Saxe. After being imprisoned at Montluc prison, he was murdered at Côte-Lorette in Saint-Genis-Laval, south of Lyon.
Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824 engagements, BGA Permezel, 2003.
Plus d'informations: Carte des lieux de mémoire de la ville de Lyon