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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Plaque commémorative
Plaque in memory of FTPF (Franc-Tireurs et Partisans - one of several resistance organizations) Lieutenant Pierre Garnier, an escaped prisoner and member of one of the first armed Communist Party groups. He participated with the FTPF in sabotage operations in factories that worked for the Germans. A group chief, he died while positioning a detonator intended to blow up the transformer at the Gendron plant in Villeurbanne, outside Lyon.
Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824... Read more
- Commemorative plaque
- Rhone
- Sabotage
Plaque in memory of FTPF (Franc-Tireurs et Partisans - one of several resistance organizations) Lieutenant Pierre Garnier, an escaped prisoner and member of one of the first armed Communist Party groups. He participated with the FTPF in sabotage operations in factories that worked for the Germans. A group chief, he died while positioning a detonator intended to blow up the transformer at the Gendron plant in Villeurbanne, outside Lyon.
Source: Bruno Permezel, Résistants à Lyon, Villeurbanne et aux alentours : 2824 engagements, BGA Permezel, 2003.