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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Plaque commémorative
Plaque on the house where Aéronavale Flight Lieutenant Antoine Laurent lived. On June 16, 1941, he enlisted in the Free France Navy Force.
In November, he joined Squadron 138 with a Westland Lysander. The mission of his unit was to take allied intelligence agents in and out of the occupied territories.
On November 28, 1941, on a training flight on Lysander T1771, in a dense fog he crashed into Hungry Hill in Farnham in Surrey; the other two airmen aboard, LAC Harkness and AC1 Roberts, were also killed.
For further information: Aerosteles.net
Address :
Rue Lieutenant de vaisseau Antoine Laurent , 73170 Yenne
GPS Coordinates :
45.70382 , 5.75781
See on map
Themes and resources
- Commemorative plaque
- Savoie
- Armed Resistance
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