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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Plaques commémoratives
Commemorative monument made up of two panels on either side of a column topped with a white marble statue of a poilu dying to defend his flag. On the left-hand panel are six plaques engraved as follows: "1939-1945", "Mayet Georges, under-lieutenant, 43rd infantry, class 1934, Rebaudo David, 65th battalion alpine troops, class 1931, Urbaneck Jean, 2nd infantry Polish army class 1924, Crosot Robert, corporal 67th battalion alpine troops class 1933, Chatelard Louis Robert, Corporal 27th battalion Alpine troops classe 1937", "Hardion Raymond, 52nd Mountain artillery regiment class 1929, Psilodimitris Georges Roger, 27the battalion alpine troops... Read more
- Commemorative plaque
- Maquis
- Free groups
- Haute-Savoie
- Armed Resistance
Commemorative monument made up of two panels on either side of a column topped with a white marble statue of a poilu dying to defend his flag. On the left-hand panel are six plaques engraved as follows: "1939-1945", "Mayet Georges, under-lieutenant, 43rd infantry, class 1934, Rebaudo David, 65th battalion alpine troops, class 1931, Urbaneck Jean, 2nd infantry Polish army class 1924, Crosot Robert, corporal 67th battalion alpine troops class 1933, Chatelard Louis Robert, Corporal 27th battalion Alpine troops classe 1937", "Hardion Raymond, 52nd Mountain artillery regiment class 1929, Psilodimitris Georges Roger, 27the battalion alpine troops class 1945, Bourgeaux Georges, 1st regiment tank troops class 1941, Ceretto-Castigliano Pierre, 1st regiment Moroccan spahis class 1940, Bochatay Louis, lieutenant 7th battalion alpine troops class 1942","Cochon Armand, sergent 7th battalion alpine troops class 1947, Meylan Georges Edmond, lieutenant 2nd Moroccan infantry division class 1928, Gomboso Aldo, corporal 11-13 demi-brigade Foriegn legion, Norris Robert, sergent 5th infantry regiment class 1943, Poncey-Grand-Pierre Henri, 27the battalion alpine troops class 1941", "Pastaroli Luigi, master sergent 3rd regiment Foreign legion class 1940, Perrillat-Boiteux Camille, 3rd GSAP class 1951, Depoisier Jean Alexandre, captain 3rd Thai battalion class 1940" et, last, "Arnaud Jacques, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Croix de Guerre, Lieutenant MD class 1924, shot at Thiez on July 9, 1944".
On the right-hand panel are 6 plaques engraved as follows: "Resistance", "Collet Jean, Montfort maquis class 1941, Lorato Roger André, Montfort maquis classe 1942, Touze Edmond, Montfort maquis class 1941, Vidalin Maurice, Lieutenan Montfort maquis, Wuttrich Roger Louis Joseph, Montfort maquis class 1943", "Baudin Noël, Platémaquis class 1940, Seguin Albert, Platé maquis class 1942, Jaccoux Arsene, FTPF (Franc-Tireurs et Partisans - one of several resistance organizations) 93-A-18 class 1943, Graglia Raymond, FTPF 93-06 classe 1926, Da-Pont Primo, master sergent FTPF 93-A-18 class 1937, Deprez Robert, FTPF 93-A-18 class 1937", "Lentz Laurent, Lieutenant FTPF 93-A-18 class 1934, Tochon Pellerey Jean Georges, FTPF 93-A-18 class 1940, Villanova Espedito, FTPF 93-06 class 1930, Clavier René Maurice, FTPF 93-A-18 class 1944, Delamare Roland, 1st Lieutenant FTPF 93-A-18 class 1935", "Chantebeau Jean FTPF, Kleinhaus Maurice, fshot at Annecy March 15, 1944. Ascary Emile FTPF, Musset Marcel FTPF, both shot at Vieugy July 16, 1944" et "Ponsey Arséne, medal of the libération, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Military Medal, Croix de Guerre, died 11 janvier 1944 in the Mauthausen camp".
Source: Les monuments aux morts