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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Monument commémoratif
Commemorative monument put up in 1922, made up of a column and an exedra. La colonne is topped by a sculpture of a winged victory; further down is affixed a sculpture of a poilu, with at his feet a sculpture of a woman watching her child guided by an angel. The exedra, with the engraved figures "1939" and "1945" facing each other, includes two frescoes in relief showing a soldier bidding his family good-bye and a family mourning a dead soldier.
Source: Les monuments aux morts
Address :
5 rue du port , 74500 Evian-les-Bains
GPS Coordinates :
46.4011729 , 6.59236086321293
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Themes and resources
- Monument
- Haute-Savoie
- Urban
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