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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Plaques commémoratives
Commemorative monument made up of a column topped with the sculpture of a poilu leaning on his rifle, and two plaques, one of which was put up for the "30th anniversary of Victory, in homage to Maurice Flandin-Granget, a major in the 1st Ftpf (Franc-Tireurs Et Partisans - One Of Several Resistance Organizations) Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Regiment. He was arrested by the milice on February 20, 1944, and died under torture. His headquarters was in this village. In memoriam, ANACR."
At the base of the column, framed by two bas reliefs of a woman and a man, a third plaque bears these words and names: "1939-1945 War: to our martyrs, who died so that France could... Read more
- Commemorative plaque
- Deportation
- Persecution
- Repression
- Haute-Savoie
- Armed Resistance
Commemorative monument made up of a column topped with the sculpture of a poilu leaning on his rifle, and two plaques, one of which was put up for the "30th anniversary of Victory, in homage to Maurice Flandin-Granget, a major in the 1st Ftpf (Franc-Tireurs Et Partisans - One Of Several Resistance Organizations) Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Regiment. He was arrested by the milice on February 20, 1944, and died under torture. His headquarters was in this village. In memoriam, ANACR."
At the base of the column, framed by two bas reliefs of a woman and a man, a third plaque bears these words and names: "1939-1945 War: to our martyrs, who died so that France could live: Boujard Frank, FTP leader killed at Allinges, Boujard Henri, FTP shot in Lyon, Bernicot René, FTP shot at Féternes, Martin André, FTP shot at Feternes, Dufour René, FTP deported to Buchenwald, Echernier Lucien, FTP deported to Mathausen, Echernier Robert, FTP deported to Dachau, Charpin François, FTP deported to Dachau, Boujard Marcel, FTP deported to Mathausen, Boujard Emile, FTP deported to Dachau, Béchet Léon, prisoner killed at Patz (Allemagne), Dutrel Joseph, soldier, Grobel Eugène, soldier. Your memory, the symbol of the life you sacrificed, will never be forgotten."
Source: Les monuments aux morts