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Memospace site de partage de lieux historiques
Monument commémoratif
North Africa and the Overseas Territories play a decisive role in the war, serving both as a launching pad and a rear base for the liberation of European mainland France. Right from 1940, North Africa and the Overseas Territories were torn between Vichy and Free France, because of their strategic importance.
Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and the Overseas Territories contributed large numbers of soldiers to the war, and many paid a hard price. This monument pays homage to them.
Source: Christine Levisse-Touzé, L’Afrique du Nord dans la guerre, Albin Michel, 1998
- Monument
- Rhone
- Armed Resistance
North Africa and the Overseas Territories play a decisive role in the war, serving both as a launching pad and a rear base for the liberation of European mainland France. Right from 1940, North Africa and the Overseas Territories were torn between Vichy and Free France, because of their strategic importance.
Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and the Overseas Territories contributed large numbers of soldiers to the war, and many paid a hard price. This monument pays homage to them.
Source: Christine Levisse-Touzé, L’Afrique du Nord dans la guerre, Albin Michel, 1998